Friday, June 22, 2018

Week 101

Week 101

It's crazy to think time is coming to a close. It's been exciting this week. I went on two exchanges. We had few baptisms planned for the end of this transfer, but due to scheduling errors they had to change. That is alright though. A good lesson in humility!

Love you all! See you soon!
-Elder Andrus

Week 100

Week 100!

Well everyone, this week has been really exciting. First things first, we moved into another apartment with some other Elders. Elder Allen and Elder Bigler. We had to move because there is a new senior couple that is moving into our old apartment. It's been exciting here in the "lounge" as we call it. Lol

More importantly we were able to do lots of finding this week, so that was good. It's also rained on us 4/7 days. Normally it's not too bad because its just riding between teaching appointments, but this week was more of getting drenched for 2-3 hours at a time.

Well, don't worry about me. I'm still working hard and having fun. Love you all!
-Elder Andrus

Week 99

Week 99

I had a rad week this week! I wasn't feeling so good on Friday, but I'm feeling better now.

Things are pretty crazy around here. It's pretty cool we have been able to set a lot of baptism date this week, so that is awesome! We are teaching a man named Arjune. He married into a member family that is less active. We have been working hard on getting him baptized. We feel strongly prompted that he is going to be the key to getting the family back to church. He is a great man! I love teaching him. He is a doctor for babies. IDK what they are called...probably a Babiologyst.

Have a great week!
-Elder Andrus

Week 98

Week 98

I have to be really short today. I'm sorry about that. I'm excited aobut everything that is going on this summer! Tis going to be crazy!!! Have a great week!

-Elder Andrus

Week 97

Week 97

Hey everyone! This week was awesome! It was great to talk to you all and to see your smiling faces! 

So the happenings of this week are as follows. I went on an exchange with Elder Bigler. He lives right next door and is really a good missionary. Any way, he had to go to the hospital because he had some sort of growth on his knee that he was a little concerned about. So the doctor said that he was going to do a small biopsy and to see what it is. We both assumed like a punch biopsy. Anyway like hours later Elder Bigler is about to go into an operation. The doctor is having his assistants running all over the place looking for tools and stuff that he doesn't have and needs. Some of my favorite one liners of the day.

"Ya, we normally don't do stuff like this down here that is whyI'm getting what i need. Its a lot cheaper this way." -Doc

"I need a needle." Said Doc
"What size?" Said the assistant 
"The biggest one."

"Opps, there goes another artery. That one is going to ozze for a while" -Doc

"I need a new blade." Doc. "Doc, I've got gloves on." Assistant "Elder Andrus, will you get me a new blade, open it and hand it to me?" -Doc

So ya I assisted in a surgery so that was awesome! HAHA What the heck. Elder Bigler ended up getting a golf ball sized tumor taken out of his knee. That was a bit more than a biopsy if you ask me. HAHA  It turned out ok. But President wasn't that happy with the Doctor. It was good. 

Also some news on Trinidad. They got 26 OMP's! So that is awesome. Our hopes and prayers have been answered. God works in mysterious ways and I think it was what the members needed! Love you all!

Elder Andrus

Week 96

Week 96

Hello everyone! This week has been awesome! Not much happened that was extra ordinary.

Elder Nuttall and I went on an exchange so that was awesome. We were companions last year at this same time. So it was good to catch up with him and have some fun contacting and teaching. Just like old times! Haha

Also on Sunday we had an addition to our companionship. Elder Straddeck is now a part of our comp. So that is fun. We are also working his area, so we are super busy! Wish us luck!

Love you all!
-Elder Andrus

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Week 95

Week 95

Hey everyone! This week was awesome! We have been working super hard and really giving it our all. That’s why I haven’t had so much time to write.

I’d like to share a spiritual experience with everyone. So it started last Sunday. We brought up in Elder’s quorum that a family we are teaching was in need of some help. Their yard was really low, so whenever it rained it would flood really bad. So the Elder’s quorum decided that they were going to reach out to this family (Wills family) and really minister like the Savior would. They leveled out the yard and it really touched Sister Wills and all of the kids as well. They really felt loved and supported by the branch. Sister Wills and her 5 kids got baptized this Saturday. It was so awesome to see the love that Sis Wills has for her children and the love that God poured out on us all.

I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Andrus